I'm not gonna sing or dance to Beyonce's video clip called "If I were a boy", don't worry. It just made me think about it, what would I do if i were a boy. Of course when I was a child, I used to wonder how would it be, but now it's different.
So I'm not like I COULD BE AN OFFICER OR A SOLDIER. Actually it's a kind of important and very actual topic. I CAN be a soldier and I can be an officer if I want to, I just really should try very hard to be one. And today it's getting more and more common to fight with stereotypes through our life choices. A lot of women feel like they want to do something important, like save lifes. Women in an army are still a minority, and many times their situation is really hard. They have to literally fight to proove that they also can be effective and good soldiers. They have to fight with discrimination and sexual abusement not a single time.
What about other occupations? There is not a lot of female fireman, I guess. It's the best occupation in the world, I'm full of proud and admiration because of those people, they are heros for me, and I'm sure a woman could do that very well too. There is quite a lot of women in police as far as I know.
When I was a little girl, I had a lot of dreams concerning my future: I wanted to be an actress, a singer, a profesional runner, a hairdresser, and a soldier too. Today my dream is to be a translator and in my childhood I never thought about it - but I have to admit that even today I think I could be a runner or a soldier. But I think that I could, not that I want to. I think I am ready to work hard on my body, to be strong and healthy, to do something good, but I feel like it was some kind of ilusion. My pragmatical part of brain is telling me: you could never join the army and kill, and pretend it's something good. And you could never be a profesional runner, because, although you love to run, you would end your profesional life at your late thirties and then have nothing to do, only train other runners or be pathetic celebrity... So I'm just gonna try to be a translator.
Because if I were a boy, I would definitely wanted to be a fireman.