I have heard about this movie a long time ago, but I could never get to see it. This autumn I finally saw it with my boyfriend, actually he made me see it - he knew I would like it. Frankly, I think it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. So when we found out that Nowy Teatr in Poznan is adapting this movie, we thought it would be a great idea to go and see it, especially because we don't go a lot to the theatre, as I mentioned earlier. My boyfriend bought us for Christmas tickets and we went yesterday...
I am really glad that we went. Although there were some things a little bit exagerated or iritating, but my general impression is very good. There was some glitter, some unexpected lines that don't appear in a movie, but that fit very well in a theatre performance.
It doesn't matter if it is a movie or a performance or a book - the story that it tells always makes me feel so confident about people, it restores my faith in humanity. Also, lately I have been watching a lot movies with MAilyn Monroe, and it keeps making me laugh that in 1950s women were embarrased of wearing glasses! Times are changing so much, now it's fashionable and even those who don't need glasses wear them:)
Anybody who saw the movie 12 Angry Men, may like the theatre adaptation and I recommend it. To be honest, I think it may be very good experience and give us another point of view, because of a fresh and modern look that gives us a director.
Thank you for your recommendation! Actually, it was a play first, then made into a movie.